Eric The Vast - Episode 2¶
March 14 - March 21 (2021)
Greetings my esteemed peeps!¶
Welcome to this next Eric resolution update using the latest in fitness tracking technologyβ’οΈ: now in blog form. The charts below have an Interactive
tab that you can click on, which lets you see fun info when you hover over them
Why go to the effort of making this into a blog with interactive charts? MegaMind said it best:
There are so many multi-media possibilities with a website!
Fitness Update¶
You may be sad to know that I successfully completed my workouts and food log this week, so I don't get to make it rain on my accountability groups as stated in the solemn contract
On average, my leg is feeling better than last week, so in the coming week I'm going to try for some core and stretching. We're gonna need more charts!
Dumb Decision Alert
We are going to a trampoline park with some cousins this week. Chances are that I'll injure myself a bit there and relapse, but when the cousins are involved, it's just worth it, you know?
But! On Tuesday, I'm finally going to go over my MRI results with my chiropractor, and maybe he'll have some new ideas for me.
Random Highlights of This Last Week¶
- Bad: I got fired!
- Good: Just kidding, I'm leaving my amazing job and team at XANT for (hopefully) an even more awesome opportunity at BEN (Branded Entertainment Network) in April.
- Bad: we got a flat tire.
- Good: It was a block from our friends' house who had everything we needed to put our spare on (or should I say, our donut

Workout Progress¶
I think I'm starting to come off of a plateau with pull ups and dips! It totally shows on the charts. In a week, it might be time to add weight to both. Fancy

Click/tap on the Tabs to Switch Between Them
Tap the Interactive
tab to see the workout notes when you hover over the charts
Tap/hover over the bars to see my notes.
On a phone, these charts might look squished. To fix this: tap the Plain Old Image
tab, then turn your phone sideways, then tab the Interactive
tab again
Ye Ol' Food¶
I just want to say that I acknowledge that this week was not quite as healthy as last week in terms of food. That's what happens when you celebrate leaving your job with brownies the same week as pie day and St. Paterick's day
Click/tap on the Tabs to Switch Between Them
Hover/tap on the dots to see the goodness.
That's All¶
Thanks for reading as much of this as you did. I've got to say: so far, this has been highly motivating and this has been really fun to put together.
I love you all
βΈΊ Eric