Eric The Vast - Episode 4¶
March 28 - April 12 (2021)
Hi hi!¶
The solemn fitness contract is going splendidly!
We're in the middle of week 6 now with 17 workouts completed. I've gone from ~175 lbs to ~180 lbs since starting. Is it all muscle??? Of course it is...
Cool Thing
My brother-in-law, Jake, decided to do a fitness contract, too!
If he ever misses a workout, he has to do a 40-mile bike ride that week. He missed one this week so he went from Alpine, UT to Provo, UT and back at like 9PM a few nights ago.
Life Updates¶
I started my new job!

Me interviewing for this job
...I also used this in a presentation this week (see below)
TL;DR BEN is awesome and I felt like a wizard this week because my first project is essentially setting up a website exactly like this one.
My team at BEN (Branded Entertainment Network) is everything I hoped for and more!
BEN does product placement in movies, TV shows, YouTube videos, and with Instagram influencers.
I'm already almost done with my first project! My team (Data Engineering) writes a lot of code that the AI/Data Science team uses--but we don't have documentation on how to use it.
Enter my project: automatically generating a website that explains how to use our code. The end result looks like this, or like this.
But, guess what!? This blog is generated (almost) 100% automatically. Sure I write the articles, but the charts, food log, links, and pretty layout all handle themselves. I gave a presentation complete with GIFs on how it all works, and started setting it up for my team
"Imitation is smart, but stealing is genius." οΌsomebody I stole this from
I Started Something of a Side Hustle (
It all happened so suddenly. One moment I was at Jake's house, and next thing I knew, he had me donating plasma.

It turns out that the local plasma donation center in American Fork/Riverton, UT is doing a special right now due high demand for plasma... due to COVID. They give you $1000 if you donate regularly for a month!
Marian and I decided to go for it.
I'd never donated plasma before, but it's not that bad. I sit there, selling my body, and simultaneously do my regular work on my computer .
I actually had an epiphany during my first session that led to me fixing a problem at work.
Hey you! Wanna make $100?
If you refer someone who donates twice, they give you $200. If you want to do it, I'll refer you and we can split it *wink wink* .
We hade Jake refer me and split it. I'm referring Marian. And we're referring Faith and my friend Kameron muahaha.
Workout Progress¶
- I'm consistently using weight on sets 2 and 3 of pull ups and dips.
- I'm officially stretching! My back has been feeling so good. I can sprint for a few steps and even did some break dancing with Faith.
- I still need to add a "skills" day in place of stretching/yoga some days. My handstands aren't getting better.
Click/tap on the Tabs to Switch Between Them
Someone asked what Before Failure
and After Failure
I basically try to get as many consecutive reps as I can before giving out. When I give out, that's "failure". Then I do more reps until I hit 8, or until I just can't go anymore.
Tap the Interactive
tab to see the workout notes when you hover over the charts
Tap/hover over the bars to see my notes.
On a phone, these charts might look squished. To fix this: tap the Plain Old Image
tab, then turn your phone sideways, then tab the Interactive
tab again
Ye Ol' Food¶
Click/tap on the Tabs to Switch Between Them
Hover/tap on the dots to see the goodness.
That's All¶
I love you all
οΌ Eric