Eric The Vast - Episode 5¶
April 13 - May 16 (2021)
Hola Hola!¶
The solemn fitness contract is still going splendidly!
Two more weeks until the fitness contract is DONE. That makes 11 weeks total. I'm not sure why I made this so short, because I've heard you should give a workout program ~15-16 weeks to see visible results.
In any case. I can't believe I haven't missed a workout! Consistency was the goal, and it's totally happening! I may extend this through June and part of July and start cutting afterwards. I tend to only succeed at leaning out when I have total control over my environment, which I won't have while we're traveling for the Summer.
Calendar of Vastness¶
I made a tracking calendar! This makes it really easy to see which workouts I did each day.
Click/tap on the Tabs to Switch Between Them
Hover/tap on the calendar items to see the notes
Life Updates¶
We're in Florida!!
We're splitting the cost of a month AirBnB stay in Florida with our friends Kameron and Aubri and their baby Kai.
Kameron and I are working remotely, Aubri is wrangling Kai, and Marian just finished her last final for year #1 of med school! This is Marian's only Summer break for at least 3 years... so we're living it up!
Kameron, Marian, and I hit the beach, jet-ski's, snorkeling, and other water adventures yesterday, and we are so sunburned I'm considering it an injury

I started another job¶
TL;DR: I've started doing technical interviews on the side, and I'm still donating plasma
A really cool guy at work heard that I was donating plasma and was like, "That's not a great use of your skills, why don't you try some sort of consulting work?"
Pssh, excuse me? You have to be highly vascular to donate plasma
He recommended a place he used to work called Karat. I applied to be an "Interview Engineer" for them, and I got the job!
Tech companies like Pinterest, ROBLOX, Robinhood, etc. get hundreds to thousands of applicants per job listing. They partner with Karat to do screening rounds so that they can focus on the most promising applicants. I will be one of the interviewers evaluating people's coding skills and technical experience.
The interview process was interesting. They lead me through an interview (which I apparently passed). And then, they had me give the exact same interview on a mock candidate. It is surprisingly challenging being on the other side of interviewing!
I should finish the onboarding training this week, and then I'll be out in the world making the job-interview process less awful for many people
I (finally) updated my personal website¶
After almost exactly three years, I got around to giving a new look! Here's the old version.
The new design actually has a consistent theme, and I used more professional tools which will make it easy to add new features and articles (like this one!).
Food Log? Workout Charts?¶
I had some issues generating these guys this week and couldn't be bothered to debug them. If you're feeling ambitious, you can look the un-plotted, raw CSV data of my meal log
That's All¶
Please enjoy this final picture

I love you all
- Eric