Eric Riddoch
Nov 30, 2018
This jupyter notebook has the following layout. Items 1-5 build up definitions helper functions, and give a short overview of the mathematical theory behind the algorithm. 6-7 demonstrate the final results.
import os
import numpy as np
from imageio import imread
import numpy.linalg as la
- returns a matrix of all faces in the data setsample_faces(int,str):np.array
- returns an arbitrary number of randomly selected faces in a matrixdef get_faces(path="./faces94"):
"""Traverse the specified directory to obtain one image per subdirectory.
Flatten and convert each image to grayscale.
path (str): The directory containing the dataset of images.
((mn,k) ndarray) An array containing one column vector per
subdirectory. k is the number of people, and each original
image is mxn.
# Traverse the directory and get one image per subdirectory.
faces = []
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path):
for fname in filenames:
if fname[-3:]=="jpg": # Only get jpg images.
# Load the image, convert it to grayscale,
# and flatten it into a vector.
faces.append(np.ravel(imread(dirpath+"/"+fname, as_gray=True)))
# Put all the face vectors column-wise into a matrix.
return np.transpose(faces)
def sample_faces(k, path="./faces94"):
"""Generate k sample images from the given path.
n (int): The number of sample images to obtain.
path(str): The directory containing the dataset of images.
((mn,) ndarray): An flattend mn-array representing a single
image. k images are yielded in total.
files = []
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path):
for fname in filenames:
if fname[-3:]=="jpg": # Only get jpg images.
# Get a subset of the image names and yield the images one at a time.
test_files = np.random.choice(files, k, replace=False)
for fname in test_files:
yield np.ravel(imread(fname, as_gray=True))
The ImageReader
class and show()
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
class ImageReader:
"""Class for storing and segmenting images."""
def __init__(self, filename):
"""Read the image file. Store its brightness values as a flat array."""
# read in image
self.image = imread(filename)
self.is_gray = len(self.image.shape) == 2
self.gray = None
self.brightness = None
# convert image to grayscale and store as 1D array
if self.image.max() <= 1:
self.image /= 1
self.image = self.image / 255
if self.is_gray:
self.gray = self.image
self.gray = self.image.mean(axis=2)
self.brightness = self.gray.ravel()
def show_original(self):
"""Display the original image."""
# check for color
if len(self.image.shape) == 3:
elif len(self.image.shape) == 2:
plt.imshow(self.image, cmap="gray")
def show_gray(self):
plt.imshow(self.gray, cmap="gray")
def show(image, title="", m=200, n=180):
"""Plot the flattened grayscale 'image' of width 'w' and height 'h'.
image ((mn,) ndarray): A flattened image.
m (int): The original number of rows in the image.
n (int): The original number of columns in the image.
# reshape image
image = image.reshape(m, n)
plt.imshow(image, cmap="gray")
# render image
def show_multiple(image_list, title_list, suptitle="", m=200, n=180):
"""Displays multiple pictures in a single row.
Display more than 3 faces at your own peril."""
# create subplots
num_images = len(image_list)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, num_images)
# plot each image
for i, image in enumerate(image_list):
# reshape images
image = image.reshape(m, n)
axes[i].imshow(image, cmap="gray")
# render images
- returns the projection of a face onto the subspace spanned by an arbitrary number of input facesfind_nearest(int,str):np.array
- returns an arbitrary number of randomly selected faces in a matrixmatch(int,str):np.array
- returns an arbitrary number of randomly selected faces in a matrixclass FacialRec(object):
"""Class for storing a database of face images, with methods for
matching other faces to the database.
F ((mn,k) ndarray): The flatten images of the dataset, where
k is the number of people, and each original image is mxn.
mu ((mn,) ndarray): The mean of all flatten images.
Fbar ((mn,k) ndarray): The images shifted by the mean.
U ((mn,k) ndarray): The U in the compact SVD of Fbar;
the columns are the eigenfaces.
def __init__(self, path='./faces94'):
"""Initialize the F, mu, Fbar, and U attributes.
This is the main part of the computation.
self.F = get_faces(path) = np.mean(self.F, axis=1)
# Broadcast subtraction over the COLUMNS.
self.Fbar = self.F - np.vstack(
self.U,v,d = la.svd(self.Fbar, full_matrices=False)
def project(self, A, s):
"""Project a face vector onto the subspace spanned by the first s
eigenfaces, and represent that projection in terms of those eigenfaces.
A((mn,) or (mn,l) ndarray): The array to be projected.
s(int): the number of eigenfaces.
((s,) ndarray): An array of the projected image of s eigenfaces.
return self.U[:,:s].T @ A
def find_nearest(self, g, s=38):
"""Find the index j such that the jth column of F is the face that is
closest to the face image 'g' with respect to the 2-norm.
g ((mn,) ndarray): A flattened face image.
s (int): the number of eigenfaces to use in the projection.
(int): the index of the column of F that is the best match to
the input face image 'g'.
Fhat = self.project(self.Fbar, s)
ghat = self.project(, s)
return np.argmin(np.linalg.norm(Fhat - np.vstack(ghat), axis=0))
def match(self, image, s=38, m=200, n=180):
"""Display an image along with its closest match from the dataset.
image ((mn,) ndarray): A flattened face image.
s (int): The number of eigenfaces to use in the projection.
m (int): The original number of rows in the image.
n (int): The original number of columns in the image.
j = self.find_nearest(image, s)
match = self.F[:,j]
plt.title("Input Image")
show(image, m, n)
plt.title("Closest Match")
show(match, m, n)
Before performing any facial recognition operations on a face, we "normalize" the face into the shifted face.
, we compute F, the mean face \boldsymbol{\mu}, and the mean-shifted faces \bar{F}.
Then, we store each as an attribute.FacialRec
object and display its mean face, plus an original image and its shifted face.# get the j'th face
j = 37
rec = FacialRec()
# get the mean face
mean_face =
# get a sample face
face = rec.F[:, j]
# get shifted face
shifted_face = rec.Fbar[:, j]
# display faces
show_multiple([face, shifted_face, mean_face], ["Sample Face", "Shifted Face", "Mean Face"])
, we compute the compact SVD (UΣV^{H}) of \bar{F} and store the U as an attribute. Recall that U, in this case, is an orthonormal basis for the range of \bar{F}, and the columns of U are the are ordered from greatest to least importance of any given face.# show 1'st, 50th, and 100th faces in U
rec = FacialRec()
faces = rec.U[:, [1, 50, 100]]
print("First 3 eigenfaces: there is more of U_0 in every face than any other eigenface")
show_multiple([faces[:, 0], faces[:, 1], faces[:, 2]], ["$U_0$", "$U_1$", "$U_2$"], "Eigenfaces")
In the block below, we do the following:
to compute the corresponding s-projection \widehat{\mathbf{f}}_i. Then we compute the reconstruction \widetilde{\mathbf{f}}_i, by adding back the mean face.Note that by s = 256, the face is a perfect approximation.
# get the j'th face
j = 82
rec = FacialRec()
# display j'th face
face = rec.Fbar[:, j]
show(face +, "Original Face")
# print 4 reconstructions of varying accuracies
faces = []
names = []
for i in range(1, 5):
names.append(f"s = {i**4}")
# project face
proj = rec.project(face, i**4)
# reconstruct face
recon = rec.U[:, :i**4] @ proj +
# show reconstruction
# display approximations
show_multiple(faces[:2], names[:2], r"Eigenface $s$-Approximations")
show_multiple(faces[2:], names[2:])
show_multiple([face +, faces[0], faces[1]], ["", "", ""],
"Eigenface Reconstruction")
Here we draw a random face, g, from the data set and call FacialRec.find_nearest()
on it.
By default, this method projects the entire data set of faces onto the space spanned by the first 38 colums of U. Then it returns the face from the set closest to g with respect to the 2-norm.
Observe that the face is almost always identital.
# get a random face from the data set
rec = FacialRec()
rand_index = np.random.randint(0, rec.F.shape[1] - 1)
rand_face = rec.F[:, rand_index]
# match the face in the data set
matched_face_index = rec.find_nearest(rand_face)
matched_face = rec.F[:, matched_face_index]
# display both side by side
show_multiple([rand_face, matched_face], ["Random Face", "Matched Face"])
And now we do it again 5 times!
n = 5
# draw n faces randomly and loop through them
for i, test_image in enumerate(sample_faces(n)):
# 'test_image' is a now flattened face vector.
# match the face in the data set
matched_face_index = rec.find_nearest(test_image)
matched_face = rec.F[:, matched_face_index]
show_multiple([test_image, matched_face], ["Original", "Matched"])