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Eric The Vast - Episode 1

Greetings my esteemed peeps!

Welcome to the first report of Eric’s 2021 fitness resolution. This report is brought to you using the latest in fitness tracking technology™️. So far, we’ve got a food log, my main workout in bar chart form, and an MRI. I want to create a calendar as well, haha.

I didn’t track the swimming and stretching this week, and I totally skipped core and some days of stretching! Does this mean I lose all my money? Not yet. I’m playing the injury card. 🤕

You see, I’ve had this weird pain in my butt and legs ever since Marian and I got married 3 years ago. This week it spiked like crazy, partly due to an igloo-related incident. Last night Marian set up stools for my to lean on all over our apartment so I could hobble back and forth. I got another MRI this week (the last one was 2-ish years ago).

It’s not super conclusive (in my opinion). They found a 5mm bulging disk and “mild stenosis” in some of my lower vertebrae—meaning, the canal that my nerves exit through is slightly pinched off. But my chiropractor says that most people actually have bulging disks, and they don’t actually feel any pain.

I have yet to go over the results with a doctor other than Marian, so I’ll letcha know if there are any juicy updates. So the mystery and medical bills continue. For now, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to add core, and I’m skipping lower body altogether. But my arms still work, so there’s no reason not to do something!

A few days ago, Faith and I and some of our friends made this awesome igloo in Rock Canyon Park close to BYU. It took like 3 hours of hauling super heavy snowballs. It was totally worth it, but my back was super mad afterwards 😆

If you’re curious who this email is sent to, it’s 61% family, and 39% friends, including all of the accountability group members 😉






Click/tap on the Tabs to Switch Between Them

Tap the Interactive tab to see the workout notes when you hover over the charts 😄

All Exercises

Tap/hover over the bars to see my notes.

On a phone, these charts might look squished. To fix this: tap the Plain Old Image tab, then turn your phone sideways, then tab the Interactive tab again 😆 🤦

Ye Ol' Food

Click/tap on the Tabs to Switch Between Them

Meal Log

Hover/tap on the dots to see the goodness.

The Fitness Contract

Fitness Contract